High resolution!

Dear everybody,

It might sounds a little outdated and in time like the one we live in right now, when videos and photos seems to be the only norm to reach out the masses, I want to launch in 2019 a monthly post on my blog about various subjects I have been ruminating on recently and/or for a long time. It want to talk about as many topics as possible - from the very definition of a choreographic style to men wearing dance belts (and I could…).

So please tune in on my blog every fifteen of the month to find a new post and, if you are in the mood, exchange over a few ideas. Don’t hesitate as well to send me some ideas of reflections and share some topics you think might be interesting to discourse on.

So see you next month and don’t forget to subscribe to the newsletter.



Martin Chaix

Choreographer and photographer living in Germany


Haute résolution!


Parlez-moi d'amour | Sibiu Theater Ballet | 9.12.18